PopQuick Advanced Setting

in Advanced Setup

1.Google Analytics Integration:

Set up and customize tracking popquick click event for using google analytics profile tracking ID.

For Example: UA-000000-01

2.Format the product purchased message:

The option can be customize format of product purchasing message in popquick front-end.

Note: Variables you can use : {{first_name}}, {{state}},{{country}}, {{product_name}}, {{price}}, {{time_ago}}.

For Example: Someone in {{city}}, {{state}} purchased a {{product_name}}.

3.Format the low stock product message:

The option can be customize format of Low stock product message in popquick front-end.

Note: Variables you can use : {{product_name}}, {{stock_level}}.

For Example: Hurry!!! {{product_name}} is selling hot, only {{stock_level}} left in stock.

4.Disable Popquick for following URL(s):

Hide Popquick from specific pages in your store.

Note: Please do not include http://www.yourdomain.com, add just like this example: /page-path/

For Example: /checkout.php